5 Amazing ways to gain more likes on your Facebook Page in 2019

Posted on 14 May 2019

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For some types of businesses it can be hard to get likes on Facebook. Especially when the level of competition is high.


Fortunately not all of these business owners aren’t as proactive as what you can be in making sure your business page stands out from the crowd and get’s a lot more advertising both paid and free.

1. Complete your page

Your page should consist of everything. Everything that Facebook allows you to add anyway. It appears that businesses that have filled in more of the blanks get a much better position on Facebook’s search results.

This can include

  • Opening hours
  • Main Photo/Logo (For this we always recommend using something similar to your websites favicon if you have one)
  • Cover Photo (This is your golden opportunity, the location of this means it will be one of the first things your visitors look at)
  • Title (Pretty obvious but there are a lot place holders out there. Again, one of the first things your visitors will look at)
  • Getting reviews (If your just starting out, this can be easier said than done but once you’re all up and running, it’s good to get as many good reviews as you can)
  • About section (It definitely helps)
  • Services
  • Contact Information (Telephone, Email, Website – This is incredibly important but often gets overlooked by startups)
  • Custom page tag @yourbusiness or facebook.com/plexaweb

2. Psst! Post!

It’s important to post. Not once. Not twice. On a fairly consistent basis throughout the lifetime of your business. Look at this way. Imagine if a business created 100 posts between January and December 2016 and then nothing. If you stumbled upon their page in 2019, would you be wondering if they’re still in business or not as apposed to a business page that posted 10/20 times from 2016 to 2019 (all spread out of course)?

3. Join groups and share share share

Once you’ve started posting updates about products, services, what your company has been doing, etc. Share it. The more groups you share your posts to, the more potential visitors you’re getting for free (other than the time involved in joining and sharing these posts). The more visitors, the more likes. It all helps build further interest.

4. Run a competition, share it and boost it!

When we started out on Facebook we had a low following, it’s still low now compared to some businesses but not everybody wants a web designer? We gained some interest by creating a competition. You get your prize. Upload a picture of it or if that’s not possible, use some sort of eye catching image. When it comes to writing the post you simply put “Like and share for a change to win XYZ, competition will end on ABC and only likes and shares before then will be valid”

The likes and shares help by getting your post out there. If you don’t already have enough likes for this to be effective then share the post and also boost it to reach people who haven’t liked your page.

5. Promote outside of Facebook

To gain more visitors and likes to your businesses Facebook page you need to put that little F logo everywhere. Business cards, leaflets, T-Shirts, signage, vehicles, website, email footers. The more places you place this F logo (usually followed by your pages tag/name)

And that’s it for now, if you need any more help with promoting your business on Facebook, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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